Help Us Build Our Future
Help Us Build Our Future – We Are Moving to Electronic communications
We are a non-profit dedicated to preserving the memory of your father/grandfather and all who served in the 314th Infantry Regiment in WWII. We survive on donations and by keeping our costs low. Giving us your email address will be a donation of sorts - helping us to lower our costs. To help us with this effort -
We must have:
1, your full name
2, your email address or a descendant’s/relative’s email address
We would also like to know (optionally)
3, the name of the 314th veteran who served, or your interest in our organization,
4, whether you are a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation descendant/relative of a veteran, or an interested American.
Click here to give us your full name and email address and please give us the optional information too.
Please Whitelist Our Email Address
Our email messages will come from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Our email may land in your Spam folder, Update folder, or other folder unless you whitelist it. To whitelist our email address, add <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> to your email contacts, or for specific instructions re: your email service and whitelisting, please search the internet with a term like "how to whitelist an email address in [gmail/yahoo/etc.].
If You Do Not Have Email or Wish to Receive Postal Mailings
In the near future, we will only mail postal mailings to those who do not have email access. This will require those who want a postal mailing to return a simple form each year. (Those who do not return the form nor provide an email address will not receive future correspondence. Please consider a tax-deductible donation if you ask for a postal mailing.) At some point, we may need to consider charging a fee to those who want to continue with postal mailings. We hope your donations from time to time would prevent an extra fee. WWII veterans and their spouses will always receive postal mailings at no additional cost.